
Global English: chaos, communication and the art of the kludge
Coursebook conversations generally feature complete sentences, clear turn-taking, and straightforward communication. While useful for practising grammar and vocabulary, they may not prepare learners for the relative chaos of the real-world. That requires mastery the kludge – a quick fix using available resources. Using examples from National Geographic’s Voices series, this talk explores communication kludges and ways learners can use them.
• April 20, 2023 – IATEFL Conference, Harrogate, UK

Real people, real voices, real stories: How authenticity engages learners
Classrooms come alive when students are engaged intellectually and emotionally in learning something they want or need to know. How can we create that engagement? By showing students real people telling their own true stories about connecting with the wider world. National Geographic Explorers are known for working on amazing projects around the globe, but they also buy groceries, commute to the office, visit their families, and dream about the future. Using examples from National Geographic Learning’s Voices for young adults and adults, we’ll look at how learners can see themselves reflected in Explorers’ lives and how that connection can drive language learning.
• March 2, 2023 – National Geographic Learning webinar

The skills gap: What’s missing and what can English teachers do about it?
According to Business Insider, If you want to get a job, you need 'transferable skills'. Research from LinkedIn says Training for soft skills is the number one priority for talent development and the European Commission warns that Employers must invest in skills development. But exactly what are these missing skills? And what role, if any, do English teachers have in helping learners acquire them? In this workshop, we’ll discuss these questions and consider practical solutions for the classroom, including examples from Voices, National Geographic Learning’s new seven-level course for adults.
• April 30, 2022 – Cornelson English Day in Adult Education (online conference for teachers in Germany)

A global communication toolkit: Three assets every learner needs
English has become the world’s language of education, work and international communication. What’s in the ‘skills toolkit’ of successful English users? What abilities should teachers and learners prioritise? This webinar will look at three must-have attributes that every learner can develop to fully engage with the world in English. It will include ideas and examples from Voices, National Geographic Learning’s new seven-level young adult and adult course.
• April 27 and 29, 2022 – National Geographic Learning Voices Webinar Series

Engaging online learners with TED Talks
When we bring authentic input such as TED Talks into the classroom, it’s natural for teachers to focus on listening comprehension. However, the routine of simply watching a talk and answering questions about it may not be enough to keep learners engaged. In this session, using TED Talk videos from the Perspectives series, I’ll demonstrate a variety of ways to harness the power of TED to get students engaged in learning and to promote active participation in lessons both online and face-to-face – even at lower levels.
• February 23, 2021 – Eli Winter Webinar Series

How to give better talks: Presentation secrets from TED
TED Talks are great partly because the speakers talk about topics they’re both passionate about and expert in. The reality for most of us, however, is that we sometimes have to give presentations simply to get information to a group of people – project updates, financial reports, academic presentations, and so on.
But we can still learn from TED speakers and use some of their techniques to make our talks more engaging, clearer, and more effective. In this workshop, we’ll look at five areas where we can learn something from TED Talks:
• Finding an angle to engage the audience – even with a boring topic
• Creating slides that support your talk
• Writing, rehearsing and delivering a talk in your own voice
• Guiding the audience through your talk
• Dealing with nerves before and during a presentation
We’ll look at some brief examples from TED Talks, participants will develop a short presentation of their own, then we’ll practice giving them in a low-stress, relaxed speaking activity.
• November 11, 2018 – National Geographic Learning Educational Forum – International Collaboration: Partnering for Success, Bahrain
• September 12, 2019 – Centro Colombo Americano de Medellín, Colombia

It's complicated: Complexity, specialisation and international collaboration in the age of entanglement
The world is getting more complex: our cars are learning to drive themselves, our technology allows us to communicate with hundreds – if not thousands – of people around the world on a daily basis, and even our refrigerators are online. As our technological systems become harder for any one person to understand fully, knowledge is increasingly divided into more and more specific areas of expertise. The result is that teamwork matters more than ever, and the modern workplace requires extensive collaboration – often by international teams using English as a second language. What communication skills do 21st century workers need, and how do we teach them? This talk explores the latest thinking.
• November 10, 2018 – National Geographic Learning Educational Forum – International Collaboration: Partnering for Success, Bahrain
• 19 July 2019 – Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano del Sur, Arequipa, Peru
• 10 September, 2019 – Universidad Católica, Bogotá, Colombia
• 12 September, 2019 – Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá, Colombia

Who am I in English? Voice, identity and community at all levels and ages
Language and identity are closely connected – the way we speak, the things we talk about, the people we communicate with, and even our accent help make up who we are, no matter what our age or level of ability. But what does this mean for language teachers and learners? Looking at materials from National Geographic Learning, ELT materials writer Lewis Lansford makes connections between the big ideas of identity and voice, and community, and the practicalities of language teaching for teachers of all levels and ages.
• 27 January 2018 – National Geographic Learning event, Mexico City, Mexico
• 29 January 2018 – National Geographic Learning event, Morelia, Mexico
• 1 February 2018 – National Geographic Learning event, Monterrey, Mexico
• 10 September 2019 – Instituto de Lenguas de la Universidad Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia
• 12 September 2019 – ELT Conference 2019, Rionegro, Colombia
• 11–14 November 2019 – Eli Days 2019: Voices, Identities, Perspectives – Lecce, Pescara, Ancona and Napoli

Keeping it real: Authentic video at every level
All too often, video is used simply for listening rather than as the multi-sensory resource that it is. And especially at lower levels, authentic input alone often isn’t appropriate — the language level is too high. How can teachers make full use of the benefits of video? And how can we bridge the gap between low- or intermediate-level learners and the higher-level video material they all want to watch? Using TED talks, this workshop will show how unedited, ungraded video can be fully used in the classroom to encourage learner engagement and promote language development at all levels. 
• 1 October 2016 – English UK North Academic Conference, York, UK
• 20 September 2017 – Academia Language School, Basel, Switzerland
• 21 September 2017 – TLC International House, Baden, Switzerland
• 22 September 2017 – Migros Klubschule, Basel, Switzerland
• 17 April 2018 – VUS English Center, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
• 17 April 2018 – Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
• 16 October 2018 – National Geographic Learning webinar
• 11–14 November 2019 – Eli Days 2019: Voices, Identities, Perspectives – Lecce, Pescara, Ancona and Napoli

Accent, culture, communication: What are the targets for global learners?
Globally, the majority of English-language conversations don’t involve a native speaker. Using TED talks by non-native English speakers, this session explores these questions: What are the teaching implications of English as a Lingua Franca? How should teachers approach non-standard or ungrammatical input? How do we prepare learners for real-world communication?
• 10 June 2016 – Plenary, Slovakia ELT Forum, Bratislava, Slovakia
• 17 July 2016 – Plenary, BrazTESOL, Brasilia, Brazil
• 21 January 2017 – English Teachers Association Switzerland 33rd Annual Conference and AGM, Zürich, Switzerland
• 19 February 2017 – Best of British ELT Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
• 24 January 2018 – Plenary, National Conference for Teachers of English, Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano, San José, Costa Rica
• 14 April 2018 – Plenary, National Geographic Learning event, Beijing, China  
• 24 November 2018 – Plenary, National Geographic Learning event, Athens, Greece
• 16 July 2019 – Universidad Pacifico and Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Lima, Peru
• 18 July 2019 – Universidad ESAN and Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru
• 19 July 2019 – Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano del Sur, Arequipa, Peru

Business English and the Philosopher’s Stone: Unlocking the secrets of context, level, and use
For centuries, scientists sought the Philosopher's Stone – a substance that could turn common elements into gold. Business English teachers have a similar quest – to take learners who lack communication skills and turn them into skilled communicators who have real value in the marketplace. This talk addresses three questions: What’s real English in the 21st Century, and how do we teach it? How do we measure learners' level, and why is it so important? How can we equip learners to use English successfully in the real world? The discussion includes examples from Pearson’s Business Partner course to show how teaching materials reflect the world learners live and work in.
• October 20, 2018 – Pearson event, Frankfurt

Plenary panel: ELF 11 Conference
Day 1 of the Eleventh English as a Lingua Franca Conference will start and finish with an innovative “plenary panel”, in which five different speakers will share their insights and their reflections on the day, as well as commenting on possible directions for the future.In alphabetical order by speaker, these are:
Lewis Lansford: ELT materials writing
Laura Patsko: teacher training
Gonzalo Pérez: teacher education
Inmaculada Pineda: materials and course design
Robin Walker: pronunciation and listening skills
Each speaker will represent a different perspective on teaching and learning English for lingua franca communication.
• July 4, 2018 – ELF 11, London

Squaring the circle in business English: Context, level, use
What’s real English in the 21st Century, and how do we teach it? This talk looks at recent data and research and uses examples from Pearson’s Business Partner course to show how teaching and learning materials reflect the world learners live and work in.
• May 17–19, 2018 – Pearson events, Hamburg, Dortmund, Köln

An open mind, a critical eye, and a clear voice: Equipping teens for real-world communication
In the 21st Century, English is the language of global communication. To succeed, learners need to be open to seeing the world from a variety of perspectives, to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. This talk looks at how authentic real-world input – including TED Talks – helps to engage and develop learners’ minds and language ability to fully participate in today’s connected world. 
• 18 April 2018 – National Geographic Learning Day, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
• 19 April 2018 – National Geographic Learning Day, Hanoi, Vietnam
• 9 September 2019 – Wordbee English Academy and Colegio Luigi Pirandello, Bogotá, Colombia
• 11 September 2019 – Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Montería, Colombia

Authentic input, learning, and output:  How Keynote cultivates learners' minds and language
A learner’s English is like a plant: to grow well, it needs to be fed, watered and nurtured.  Teachers are like gardeners and textbooks are their tools. This talk explains how the real-world input in Keynote, including TED Talks, feeds learner’s English to help it grow to its full potential.
• 13 April 2018 – Higher Education Press event launching HEP version of Keynote

Ways into Materials Writing – Panel discussion
There is no single proven recipe for getting into materials writing for publication, but our expert panel will share tips that can help you along the way – and many of them are helpful for developing materials for your own classroom, too! Join us to find out more about MaWSIG and to hear our panel of writers, editors and publishers share their answers to frequently asked questions about writing ELT materials. You’ll learn what makes for good materials in terms of content and design, what the latest trends are in ELT materials, what publishers look for in potential authors – and, of course, what MaWSIG can do for you as teachers and writers! Panel: Andrew Dilger, Lewis Lansford, Rachael Roberts, Deborah Tricker
• 24 November 2017 – Webinar hosted by IATEFL

Identity, voice and collaboration: Tips for bringing big ideas from TED Talks into the classroom
Language and identity are closely connected – the way we speak, the things we talk about, and even our accent help make up who we are. But what does this mean for language teachers and learners? With content from Artist Hetain Patel, and ideas from National Geographic Learning and TED Talks, ELT materials writer Lewis Lansford makes connections between the big ideas of identity, voice and collaboration and the practicalities of language teaching.
• 25 October 2017 – Webinar hosted by National Geographic Learning

Tips for teaching real English
The majority of English-language interactions don’t involve a first-language user of English, and don't take place in a country where English is an official language. This is the reality of English as it’s used today. What does this mean for 21st Century learners? What kind of accent should we encourage them to aim for? What do they need to know about culture? How can we teach them the importance of understanding their audience? This webinar discusses these questions and offers practical answers for how to address them in the classroom, using fascinating ideas from TED Talks and examples from National Geographic Learning's Keynote.
• 12 September 2017 – Webinar hosted by National Geographic Learning

TED Talks: Powerful communication through learning English
Have your students ever struggled to say something in English like they would say it in their native language?  Teaching the English of thoughts, feelings, ideas, and even humor is challenging.  TED speakers provide learners with dynamic examples of powerful communication that empower learners to speak English with personality. Co-presenter: Caitlin Thomas
• 24 March 2017 – TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Seattle, USA  

TED Talks: Powerful ideas to inspire 21st Century learning
When people want to learn, they do. Explore how powerful ideas from TED Talks, combined with compelling real-world content from National Geographic, will get learners asking questions like “What if?”, “Have you ever wondered?”, and “Could this be true?” and sets the stage for impactful 21st century learning. Co-presenter: Anders Bylund
• 22 March 2017 – TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Seattle, USA  

Anatomy of an iceberg: Beneath the surface of TED Talks and authentic listening
Everyone knows TED Talks are great for listening practice in the ELT classroom, but there's much more to them than that. This talk explores the power of TED at deeper levels and how learners can use them to become powerful communicators, with examples from the Keynote series. 
• 20 March 2017 – National Geographic Learning event, San Francisco, USA  
• 4 April 2019 – 53rd Annual International IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, UK

Engaging ears, eyes, brains and minds: Authentic listening at every level
Accents, fast speech, idioms and slang – these features of spoken English make listening one of the biggest challenges learners face. But low-level learners don’t want to wait to learn real English – they want to understand it now. And even at higher levels real-world listening continues to be challenging. How can teachers help learners at every level engage with authentic input? Using TED Talks as examples, this session looks at some of the brain science related to listening and offers practical tips for how to create success-oriented lessons for the classroom at any level.
• 22 April 2016, National Geographic Learning VIP Event, Museo ABC, Madrid, Spain
• 26-28 April 2016, National Geographic Learning Ideas Worth Spreading Events, Turin, Milan and Bologna, Italy
• 15 July 2016, Associação Alumni and Seven Idiomas, Såo Paulo, Brazil
• 20 July 2016, 11th ABCI Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil
• 12 December, 2016, British Council English Agenda webinar
• 22 January 2017 – English Teachers Association Switzerland 33rd Annual Conference and AGM, Zürich, Switzerland
• 10–16 February 2017 – National Geographic learning events in Monterrey, Mexico City, Mérida, Puebla and Querétaro, Mexico
• 18 February 2017 – Best of British ELT Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
• 25 January 2018 – National Conference for Teachers of English, Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano, San José, Costa Rica

World Englishes and authentic input: Addressing English as a lingua franca in the EFL classroom
The majority of English language conversations globally don’t involve a native English speaker. How can teachers and materials developers prepare learners for communication in those contexts? What sorts of authentic materials are appropriate for the classroom? How should we approach non-standard or ungrammatical English as input for lessons? Using TED talks by non-native English speakers and examples of lessons built around them, this workshop will explore the above questions and the EFL teaching implications of the variety of “world Englishes” in use today.
• 26 November 2015, Oxford House College, London
• 18 April 2016, IATEFL Conference, Birmingham

Gaps and bridges: Connecting education and learner needs
Most English learners today study the language in order to do something with it – use it an a job, continue their education, or gain access to the wide world English-language material available on the internet. The job of everyone who works in the field of English language teaching (ELT) is to build bridges that help learners cross the gap between their current level of English, and the level they hope or need to attain. This talk will discuss some of the challenges that learners and ELT professionals have always faced, and look at some new challenges brought on by current trends in the field – and in the wider world.
• 27 August 2014, Teachers Development Conference, Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Trujillo, Peru (Under the title 'Gaps and Bridges: Addressing old and new challenges in ELT')
• 21 November 2015, National Geographic Learning Educational Forum: Bridging the gap between education and employment, Abu Dhabi, UAE
• 13 September 2019, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Medellín, Colombia

What I mean when I talk about meaning: A materials development perspective
This talk will begin by considering the role of English as Lingua Franca (ELF), and will also look at global contexts in which French, German, and Spanish are used by both native and non-native speakers. We’ll discuss the implications of ELF for learners and teachers, and also look at how the increasing preponderance of English for Specific Purposes, English for Academic Purpose, and Content and Language Integrated Learning affects teachers, materials writers and learners. Finally, we’ll consider how authentic materials can be adapted and supported for use in the language classroom. 
• 24 October 2015, Engaging with meaning in language learning workshop, University of York

Fighting the many-headed Hydra: Coping with specialization in ELT
English language study is becoming increasingly specialized earlier and earlier in the curriculum – English for academic purposes, engineering English, English for the tourist industry, and so on. With so many highly specific uses for English, how can teachers possibly give learners adequate preparation? Where can teachers find appropriate authentic input? How can real English be delivered at lower levels? This talk considers needs analysis and the broad base of skills and abilities that all learners need to develop, no matter where they’re going with English.
• 19 September 2015, IATEFL Poland conference, Kraków
• 30 September 2015, National Geographic Learning webinar for teachers in Warsaw, Poland
• 26-28 April 2016, National Geographic Learning Ideas Worth Spreading Events, Turin, Milan and Bologna
• 23 September 2017 – ETAS Professional Development Day, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
• 10 April 2018 – Tunghai University, Taichung City, Taiwan
• 11 April 2018 – Ming Hsin University, Xinfeng Township, Taiwan
• 16 July 2019 – Universidad Universidad Sede Sapeintae, Lima, Peru
• 17 July 2019 – Colegios de Alto Rendimiento del Peru, Pucyura, Peru
• September 12, 2019 – Centro Colombo Americano de Medellín, Colombia

Language teaching for 21st Century workplace: How to give learners the skills that pay the bills
According to a recent Deutsche Welle headline, German students are poorly prepared for the job market – and it is not just a problem in Germany. A selection of global headlines tells a similar story: Employers prefer ‘soft’ skills in graduates, study says (BBC), Employers must invest in skills development (European Commission report of transferability of skills), and so on. As business English teachers and materials developers, we have to ask: what does this mean for our work? This session will aim to answer that big question by addressing these more specific questions: 
•   What exactly are soft skills, and why are they important?
•   At what level should we begin teaching them?
•   How can we teach them?
•   Where do they fit into the language teaching curriculum?
When we discuss these questions, we’ll look at practical answers for the language classroom – for teachers of all languages, not just English. 
• March 1, 2019 – Seventh Bremen Symposium, Fremd Sprachen Zentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen, Germany

The power of student presentations: How preparing and giving talks develops transferrable skills
This workshop will begin by discussing exactly what we mean by ‘transferrable skills,’ and the extent to which they are important for university students of English as Second Language. We’ll then look at the wider context of English communication in the workplace and the skills needed to succeed in both academic and professional life. Finally, we’ll watch and a TED Talk and discuss the merits and challenges of using it as authentic input in the classroom. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
• explain the role of presentations in education beyond the usual ‘presentation skills’ syllabus
• identify transferrable skills that can be developed through presentation work
• organise a lesson based around a TED Talk 

• 21 September 2015, Teacher training session, University of Economics, Katowice, Poland
• 22 September 2015, Teacher training day, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
• 29 April 2016, Building Bridges Conference For English Teachers, Free University of Bolazno, Italy
• 10 June 2016, Slovakia ELT Forum, Bratislava, Slovakia
• 23 September 2017 – ETAS Professional Development Day, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
• 25 January 2018 – National Conference for Teachers of English, Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano, San José, Costa Rica
• 9 April 2018 – Yang Ping High School and Shih Chien University, Taipei
• 10 April 2018 – Taipei Chinese Cultural University, School of Continuing Education, Taipei
• 11 April 2018 – National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan

The role of teacher's books in EAP teacher education
Who do materials writers have in mind when they are writing an EAP course book? What competencies are hoped for or assumed? How can course leaders bring together the skills of their teams and the skills needed to teach their courses? 
Panel speakers: Sue Argent, Edward de Chazal, Lewis Lansford
Chair: Karen Nicholls
• 29 November 2014, British Association of Lectures in English for Academic Purposes Professional Issues Meeting, Sheffield Hallum University, Sheffield, UK

Bringing the workplace into the classroom: Making the most of authentic materials in ESP
English for specific purposes is the language of the real world – the language of getting things done on the job. Teachers know that using authentic materials is important, but real-world English-language contracts, technical manuals and emails are not – in their raw state – usually suitable for the classroom. This talk explores what “authenticity” really means – and considers how teachers can best make use of authentic materials to deliver pedagogically sound ESP lessons in any field.
• 29 August 2014, SENATI International Conference on Teaching English for Technical Purposes, Chiclayo, Peru

The elements of ESP: What every teacher needs to know to deliver effective lessons
English for aviation, English for medicine, English for engineering ... the list of “specifics” in English for specific purposes is virtually endless. Can an English teacher ever possibly know enough to teach pilots, doctors and engineers confidently? This talk explores the elements that all areas of ESP share in common and discusses how teachers can cope with specialist content from outside their own area of expertise.
• 27 August 2014, SENATI International Conference on Teaching English for Technical Purposes, Iquitos, Peru
• 28 August 2014, SENATI International Conference on Teaching English for Technical Purposes, Chiclayo, Peru  

Video revisited
This workshop will consider how the use of video in the ELT classroom has changed over the last 30 years. We will discuss the pedagogical advantages of using different video types and what they can bring to the learning experience. There will be an opportunity to share experiences and ideas.
• 13 March 2014, TESOL Arabia Conference, Dubai, UAE

Working with external content providers
With the increasing demand from teachers and students for more highly visual material and video content, a number of ELT publishers have joined together with external content providers such as National Geographic (Life) and the BBC (Speakout). What are the advantages (and disadvantages) to authors of working with external content providers? What difference does it make to the authorial ‘voice’? How does it affect the whole process of writing?
Panel speakers: John Hughes, Antonia Clare, Lewis Lansford
Chair: Karen Spiller
• 25 January 2014, The IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group New Directions in ELT Materials Writing conference, Oxford, UK

The bridge to nowhere and other materials development follies to avoid
Bridges are the central image and theme of this talk. We'll talk about why technical English teaching materials are like bridges, and we'll look at case studies of five actual bridges – four of which failed in some way, and a fifth that was completely successful. As we go, we'll consider what lessons from the bridge case studies can be applied to the development of materials for the technical English classroom, using examples from published technical English materials that the speaker has developed or written.
• 22 October 2013, Webinar for the International Association of Technical English Trainers
• 23 May 2014, Workshop for the 7th Austrian UAS Language Instructors' Conference, Vienna, Austria

Earth, air, fire and water: Harnessing the elements in English for engineering
In this session, we’ll look at four elements that make up effective ESP teaching materials. We’ll consider features that the most useful materials have in common and discuss the special challenges of teaching English for engineering. The talk will include case studies of engineering English teachers and materials developers and offer practical tips for success in developing and writing appropriate and teachable lessons. The talk will include examples from the Oxford English for Careers series and Tech Talk.
• 17 November 2012, BESIG Conference, Stuttgart, Germany

From roughneck to romeo: Case studies in ESP materials development
In this session, we'll look at the process of developing published ESP materials for use in several different professional environments, including the oil and gas industry, commercial aviation, and medicine. We'll consider what all ESP materials have in common, discuss the unique challenges of some specific fields, and offer teachers tools they can use to develop and write their own materials. The talk will include examples from the Oxford English for Careers Series and the Express Series.
• 28 April 2012, MELTA ESP Conference, Munich, Germany
• 25 May 2012, University of York, UK

Authentic, pedagogically sound, teachable: An ESP materials development workshop
In this workshop, established ESP materials writer Lewis Lansford will begin with the question 'What qualities do the best ESP materials have?' After a brief discussion, workshop participants will then collaborate in small groups to turn authentic materials (to be supplied) into lessons that are teachable, pedagogically sound, and engaging to learners. The workshop will conclude with a whole-group discussion of the lesson ideas that the participants will have generated. 
• 27 April 2012, Audi Akademie, Ingolstadt, Germany

Pearson signature event: 21st Century skills for ELT
Facilitator: Rob Dean
Panel: Vicki Hollett, Lewis Lansford and Gareth Rees
In an increasingly complex, demanding and competitive world, students need to go beyond the traditional three Rs and embrace the four Cs: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. This is the view of the 21st Century skills movement which is helping to redefine the goals of general education for today's world. But what does this mean for ELT? Do we need to include the four Cs in our teaching? Our panel will discuss the relevance of the four Cs for ELT and discuss ways in which they can be incorporated into our courses.
• 22 March 2012, 46th Annual IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, UK

Mudmen and monkeyboards: Coping with specialist content in ESP
The goal of this session is to explore ways to overcome one of the greatest challenges of teaching ESP: working with complex technical content. We’ll discuss how non-experts can prepare for and deliver effective ESP lessons by maximizing their own strengths, utilizing their students’ knowledge, developing their own materials, and making the best use of available published materials. The session will include examples from the Oxford English for Careers series.
• 11 March 2011, University of Leeds, UK
• 17 April 2011, 45th Annual IATEFL Conference, Brighton, UK
• 1 October, 2011, 3rd Annual ESP Conference, Ulm, Germany