Video writing and presentation
English for Cabin Crew, 2022. Wrote B2-level animated-video led course for app- and web-based self-study platform. Also edited video-led English for hospitality course. Reallyenglish.
How to Teach with TED Talks: A practical course for English teachers, 2021. Self-published book for teachers on how to use TED Talks and other authentic video in the classroom, including lesson plans. Toolshed Enterprises Limited.
Virtual Voices, 2021. Wrote and presented teacher-training videos for online teaching, with a focus on developing receptive skills and evaluation. National Geographic Learning.
Real Voices, 2021. Wrote and presented teacher-training videos for users of the Voices series, with a focus on using authentic content in the classroom. National Geographic Learning.
Voices Elementary, Intermediate, 2020–21. Developed questionnaires for National Geographic Explorers which were developed into semi-scripted interviews around which lessons were written. National Geographic Learning.
Business Partner A1, A2, A2+, B1, 2019–20. Developed business English lessons around ITN and BBC video, in some cases using the original audio and video and in others writing audio scripts to accompany existing video and also for new video.
Lecturing in English: How to deliver clear and engaging lectures with confidence, 2018-19. Developed, wrote, produced, presented and edited 27-video training course for university lecturers who use English as a second language. RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
How to Teach with TED Talks: A practical course for English teachers, 2018-19. Developed, wrote, produced, presented and edited five-module online course. TEFL Equity Academy.
Perspectives Pre-intermediate, 2018. Selected TED Talks and wrote TED-Talk based lessons in each unit. National Geographic Learning.
Keynote Advanced, 2016. Selected TED Talks and wrote TED-Talk based lessons in each unit. National Geographic Learning.
Unlock Speaking and Listening, Level B2, 2014. For a video-led English for academic purposes text, compiled ten five-minute (approximately) video segments from full-length Discovery Channel documentaries and wrote level-appropriate scripts, based on the original audio. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Rosetta Stone lessons, 2013–2014. Online video-led ESP and business English lessons. Wrote video scripts and accompanying language-learning exercises. Rosetta Stone, Seattle.
Interactions, 2010. On-line video-led interactive exercises for compulsory secondary education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) students in Spain to supplement OUP’s four-level digital and print courses: English Alive, On Target, Switch, English Plus. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Viewpoints Level 4 DVD Worksheets, 2010. Twelve downloadable worksheets to support and exploit short-subject videos. Viewpoints is a six-level American English video series that supports several courses, including the flagship young adult course openMind. Macmillan, Oxford.
International Express Elementary, Pre-Intermediate Interactive Edition DVD Worksheets, 2010. Twenty-one downloadable worksheets for two levels, to support and exploit general, short-subject videos. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Market Leader New Edition MultiROM, 2008. Contributor: video exercises for five-level business English course. Pearson Education, Harlow.
English Adventure Video Guides 1–6, 2005. Instructional notes for use of primary-level video in the classroom. Pearson Education, Harlow.
Video project management and consultancy
Our Discovery Island, 2009–2010. Video project manager. Participated in concept development, choice of writing team, selection of video production company (1410 Degrees, London). Responsible for coordination of in-house editorial team with video production company and script writers to develop characters and storylines based on the online adventure game Poptroptica (created by Family Education Network) for video component of six-level primary course. Participated in casting, provided, co-ordinated and compiled feedback on stages of animation through final versions, ensuring the material was level-appropriate and culturally acceptable for target markets. Pearson Education, Harlow.
Disney English Language Learning, 2006–2007. Curriculum development consultant. Working with a team of education experts, developed a curriculum guide for Disney English Language Learning’s rollout of language schools in China, including exploitation of their video content for English language teaching and learning.
Backpack Video, 2005. Video project manager. Responsible for re-version from American to British English of videos for seven-level primary course. Participated in casting and all ADR sessions. Responsible for coordination of in-house editorial team with video production company (1410 degrees, London) and checking all stages of video through to final version. Pearson Education, Harlow, White Plains.
English Adventure Video, 2003–2005. Video project manager. Responsible for coordination of in-house editorial team with video production company (Big Heart Media, London), script writers and content provider (Disney) for video component of six-level primary course, including a series of market-specific versions, some with U.S. English dubbed over the original British English. Responsible for script development and ensuring sound pedagogy during writing, shooting and editing. Wrote voiceover scripts for two-minute Disney segment in each episode. Per level, four episodes of approximately six minutes each were produced, for a total 24 episodes. Pearson Education, Harlow, White Plains, Hong Kong.